The ever good-intentioned neighbor thought of Maya while she was at Petco. Awe! Deep sarcasm. I do not understand her. OK This morning I was unloading groceries and Sara Faith from the car after dropping off Savannah at school. I could hear the loud pitched voice belonging to one Mrs. G apparently yacking away at Maya about something. Blah blah blah I just rolled my eyes. I went outside and brought Maya in to eat breakfast when I saw a figure walking up my driveway towards the gate. hmm. I met her as she rounded the corner. "Can I help you Mrs. G?" Caught offguard and throwing her hands behind her back, she says, "Oh no, um is it alright if I go play with Maya for a minute?" and then this happened
LISA She is in the house eating right now.
MRS G She is ?
MRS G Maya?
MRS G. Maya the dog?
LISA The only Maya I know.
MRS G. OK well (slowly revealing a dog collar) I was at the store and I thought Maya could use this if she were maybe outgrowing hers.
LISA huh???? she actually has a collar that fits her just fine. Pirt can fit his whole hand under the, stop- pause-thinking, my dogs collar is just fine! G I take good care of my dog, you know and Im about tired of you undermining us with your non-sense!
MRS G. (tearing up) Oh no I dont mean it like that it's just, I know you have a new baby and all and well a dog is a big responsibility (I can already feel my neck getting hot..anyone been there?) anyways just think of me like an aunt!
LISA First of all that is how it is coming across. Second, my availability to this dog is none of your concern, and third, I have an aunt and she has yet to tell me I have outgrown anything and has already bought me a replacement. You are the nosy neighbor.
She left (without her collar She handed it to me when I was at the huh?? part.)
Well it ended. It ended. Maybe that will be the last of that crap but I have a feeling she'll think we've given her the wrong dog food and be back for more.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Fall Fun
We have been busy little bees around my house! So many things going on at my house and I have been doing a bad job of writing about it. It mostly involes getting ready for fall, and attending (and hosting) some events. As of right now the baby is a little stuffy so she is not sleeping well which means I am up at 12:21 writing this! Forgive me if I fall asleep writing it and do not make sense. Fall Festival at school is where I think I left off. They had all the big blow-up Jumping activities and games. It actually was a lot of fun. I had been dreading it because I had the baby with me and I just knew it would be hot but the weather was nice. I had duty at the jousting booth and here is a picture of Savannah putting a good whooping on this little boy. Yes I know she was much bigger than him but he made such a stink having to go against a girl that it was too funny. All the kids were hilarious and Sara Faith just slept the entire time in her stroller except right at the end when she wanted to be held. I abliged of coarse :) I had done so well avoiding the bake sale booth. I had visions of me and a rolling cart full of cakes and brownies and cupcakes and homemade pies trying to manage my 1st grader and the stroller back to the car so I thought it best to just stay away but then they announced 1/2 off and I was a gonner! But I didnt too as bad as I had imagined, especially since by the end the pickings where slim. We actually ended up going home with a just plate full of brownies - only $3! The next weekend was the annual halloween pumkin carving that a couple from church do every year. This was our first time going actually and Im glad we did. I think michael enjoyed it the most! The pumkins were awesome and soo creative! There was even one with the Alabama 'A' on it. Roll Tide! Ours was simple and ghostly :) Here is a pic of Savannah with it. I think she really liked that cat though! We will definitely be going again! I decorated a little for fall so far and love the results.
We had a new house project 2 Saturdays ago. On a whim I wanted to add a wood railing to the front porch. Michael and a friend built it (I did help sand :) and i painted it. Finding the exact color paint as the existing facia boards was difficult but I finally did at Home Depot. We were done building by Sat afternoon and painting by Sunday night! i LOVE IT!!! Next we will do a matching hand railing down the adjasent steps. Our front porch steps are 80 years old and very spaced apart so it is only a matter of time before I get sued by the mailman!!!
The highlight of the last two weeks was having some friends over for the Alabama/Tennessee game. Michael cooked on the grill and I thought it was a lot of fun. My sister and cousin came and a few couples from church. We have other couples we hang out with but this was the first time this particular group had ever been over here. No particular reason why that is but it was good to do something different. Pirt (the planner) was freaking out the whole week prior worrying that everything was just perfect. Oh and the Trunk or Treat at church Sunday night was just precious! Savannah was "Vannah Montana"! Yes those are black lace gloves with the fingertips cut out she is wearing. She wanted to add her own personal touch. :) Sweet little Sara Faith was a pink poodle I thought it was a lamb originally but my sister pointed out the difference. Hahaha! We do not go door-to-door anymore. Previous years we used to just go to my parents and families but really I just dont like the idea of trick-or-treating anymore. It doesnt make much sense these days. And somewhere there is always a fall festival or zoo-boo going on:)
The highlight of the last two weeks was having some friends over for the Alabama/Tennessee game. Michael cooked on the grill and I thought it was a lot of fun. My sister and cousin came and a few couples from church. We have other couples we hang out with but this was the first time this particular group had ever been over here. No particular reason why that is but it was good to do something different. Pirt (the planner) was freaking out the whole week prior worrying that everything was just perfect. Oh and the Trunk or Treat at church Sunday night was just precious! Savannah was "Vannah Montana"! Yes those are black lace gloves with the fingertips cut out she is wearing. She wanted to add her own personal touch. :) Sweet little Sara Faith was a pink poodle I thought it was a lamb originally but my sister pointed out the difference. Hahaha! We do not go door-to-door anymore. Previous years we used to just go to my parents and families but really I just dont like the idea of trick-or-treating anymore. It doesnt make much sense these days. And somewhere there is always a fall festival or zoo-boo going on:)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Super Tuesday
This is a blog I had posted on my myspace a while back and obviously am an insomniac tonight and thought it was cute and I would post it here.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Savannah voted!!!
Savannah's kgarten class voted yesterday. she knew all the candidates and has been excited all week for "Super Tuesday!" She could not decide who to vote for. John McCain looked too old and she couldn't say Mitt Romney. She stressed between "Michael Hug-a-bee", Obama (B-A-M-A roll tide in her head) and Hillary. she finally voted for "Hilally Kinton" because she was a girl and well she liked her red dress. Savannah didnt want to hug any bees but she did feel a little bad about not voting for the roll tide O B-A-M-A!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Savannah Says Current mood: amused
she came home from her Grandparents singing, "Oh, Suzanna, don't you cry for me! I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee!!!!! "Grande taught me that."so now it's Oh Savannah, clean your room for me! If you dont put those clothes up, I'll put you over my knee!!!!!! (Michael of coarse)
11:15 PM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Savannah voted!!!
Savannah's kgarten class voted yesterday. she knew all the candidates and has been excited all week for "Super Tuesday!" She could not decide who to vote for. John McCain looked too old and she couldn't say Mitt Romney. She stressed between "Michael Hug-a-bee", Obama (B-A-M-A roll tide in her head) and Hillary. she finally voted for "Hilally Kinton" because she was a girl and well she liked her red dress. Savannah didnt want to hug any bees but she did feel a little bad about not voting for the roll tide O B-A-M-A!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Savannah Says Current mood: amused
she came home from her Grandparents singing, "Oh, Suzanna, don't you cry for me! I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee!!!!! "Grande taught me that."so now it's Oh Savannah, clean your room for me! If you dont put those clothes up, I'll put you over my knee!!!!!! (Michael of coarse)
11:15 PM
Love Thy Neighbor
"Love thy neighbor." These are the words I said to myself while looking out the window at my neighbor (who has absolutely no concept of boundaries) slipping my dog a buscuit through the fence. Let me start by saying I think she means well. Who would get aggravated about one dog buscuit? no one. What frustrates me is her inability to let me parent my own child and dog. Yes, and my D.O.G. The first day I met her she says, "So this is Alabama, aren't you supposed to invite me to your church?" I responded that she didn't need an invite; in Alabama she is welcome to go to any church she likes. That was definitely weird. Since then she has made several comments about using a tin bowl for the dog water outside. "It's not big enough." Keep in mind my dog is NOT an outside dog. She is inside most of the day with me and only goes outside if the weather is really nice or I leave the house. That way she is not cooped up in her crate. So I get home one day to find a large square tuberware bowl full of water inside the fence. Her house is on the opposite side of my house from the gate door so she walked around my house and into my backyard. So I wait a day and then return her tuberware to her porch knawed and chewed up beyond recognition. Only she and I knew what it used to be. With a half smile, I walked back home:) So that should be the end, right? Nope! Let's see... "Lisa, I brought a doodie bag over. Can I pick up Maya's droppings so she doesnt have to live with them in the yard?" This is not NY or a public park and we have a pooper scooper (a rather large one) if it stinks we will do it- WE will. Maya loves people! She loves being on the front porch to watch walkers and cars going by. She is not even a whole year yet so her puppiness wants to run with joggers and chase squirrels and such so we link her collar to a red cable wire around the brick column or the light post beside my car and everyone is happy....everyone but Mrs. G! How many times have I heard bantering outside the door asking the dog, "Oh you poor thing! You must be so lonely.. blah blah blah." Finally I said "Let her be!" I dont talk to my elders this way (no she is not elderly but older than me, probably my mother's age 50). Now Savannah loves Mrs. G! Which is great because she is a very nice and animated lady. Great with children and apparently dogs ;) She lets Savannah read to her while she does her gardening and with the new baby and required 20 minute reading each night for 1st grade it nice to have a break sometimes. However when she comes home with a checklist in a Pink folder of all the things she will do to improve her conduct at school ( she was receiving B's for a couple weeks straight ). Whoa Lady! I was so proud of myself because I did not march right over there and tell her the process of having children if she wanted to parent so bad. Did I ever mention how blount I am? I mentioned I do think she has good intentions which is what has stopped me from being my usual blount self and the need for for civil surroundings at my home. The episode that initiated this particular blog occured yesterday. Around 11AM while I was shop vacuuming I heard my doorbell. I then heard Mrs. G' speaking very loudly apparently to a neighbor or possibly Maya, who knows? I ignored it. Any moms of babies know that housework is sometimes hard to do so when you have the chance you have to do it right then and I just figured the worst that could happen was Maya would have fresh water. Little did I know that when I finished I would find a note on my door saying that Maya had somehow escaped and Mrs. G was going to take her on a walk around the neighborhood..huh????? How did this seem like a reasonable thing to do to this educated (I assume- she is a nurse and actually used to work for Fannie Flagg while she wrote Fried Green Tomotoes!) lady? Again I said nothing but for some reason I can only attribute to shock, I actually said, "Thank you." Well I (and she) walked around back to see how she may have possibly gotten out, to no avail. I went back inside and retrieved a bowl of can dogfood because I knew she could not resist that! Sure enough, she jumped right through the part of the chain fence that meets with the wooden fence. An opening my husband had suggested and I said with complete confidence was entirely too small to fathom her making it through there. We laughed and as she finished her bowl I brought her inside with me and decided to leave the plugging of that whole up to my husband. Until this morning when I returned from the gym to find my nosy, rude, boundary-less, good intentioned neighbor had already decided to fix it by pulling our iron clothes hanging rod (as old as our house is 1920's) into the spot and fasting a closet organizer shelf onto the fence to block the opening. All this I am thinking about as I dream of telling her what she can do with that dog buscuit.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sara Faith's Nursery
Sara Faith's Nursery:
Entering her little room.
We still haven't taken down her hospital ribbon:)
I love the picture above her crib. I need to either have it enlarged a bit or find avery big matted frame. It has to "fit" her though so that process has been longer than usual.Im March for Savannah's 6th bday, we got her a really nice big girl bedroom suite and used her old furniture for the nursery, so she will be able to use it for quite a few years. (Her first hand-me-down!)This was an original light fixture in this house which documents say was built sometime before 1932. My neighbor says he has a panoramic view of our street from 1928 and our house is there so we just know this light has come a long way and works great!And she is what completes this nursery!There are things that will be changed and added because it will never be totally finished until she is done using it!
thank you for visiting Sara faith's nursery!!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Just Another Manic Monday...
What a day! And nothing much happened but we all agree (even Savannah) that we are more exhausted than normal for a Monday night. I did get a little christmas shopping done and convinced Savannah to give away pretty much all her toys in order to make room for the new toys. It actually turned into her wanting to set up her own charity/mission website =). That is a different task a different day! As she says, she is so "emotionable"!
One thing I am excited about is finding a globe that when you point the pen on it, it tells you country, state, province, etc. I saw one a few years ago from Leap Frog but she was too young and now I had no luck with them. But today I found one made by Bratz...even better!!!
One thing I am excited about is finding a globe that when you point the pen on it, it tells you country, state, province, etc. I saw one a few years ago from Leap Frog but she was too young and now I had no luck with them. But today I found one made by Bratz...even better!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
One More..
I forgot to add this..... we laughed and laughed! Yes, we were very bored!
"so my cousin taught me how to eTrade and yes it was easy... but now with the bailout and all Im looking for someone to teach me to trade it ALL back. Im quite worried that i have lost my trust fund... Can you help?"
"so my cousin taught me how to eTrade and yes it was easy... but now with the bailout and all Im looking for someone to teach me to trade it ALL back. Im quite worried that i have lost my trust fund... Can you help?"
Catching Up
We had a good weekend, although pirt worked everyday and it was basically uneventful. Friday night we dropped Savannah off with her Dad and then went home and just watched TV. Sat I took the baby to my dad's and she was introduced to the horses for the first time. It was sweet. I love seeing her try new things. That is my sister, Shirley helping her pet Buddy. The horse only co-operated for a minute so I didn't catch a picture with her face reaction, but she loved it! We have a big dog, maya and Sara faith is used to her so she wasn't scared at all.
Savannah rides some; more at her MiMi's than at my dad's but she absolutely loves it. Her 6th bday party was a cowgirl party at my dad's. it was just perfect. We will have to be creative to top it for her 7th ;)Sat night we, of coarse, watched football. Alabama was not playing but we watched Florida cream LSU. We were actually pulling for LSU because they are undefeated so if AL beats them it would mean more and if they lost to them it wouldnt look SO bad:) Pirt made ribs. He is trying to perfect them. They were good but he was not totally happy:) Maybe next time.
Sara faith was very good in church Sunday. She sat with my mom (Nana). Savannah always sat with her. It was her favorite thing about going to church when she was smaller. Since Nana has been having some health issues she hasnt always been able to come so it has been nice for Sara Faith to get the same opportunity to bond with her. We brought her "bumbo seat" to sit in. they like for the little babies to have them because it makes it easier for them to be included in the activities. How cute is this? We just bought the tray that goes with it so that should make it even better. There is another baby right now using one too. We are meeting at a University building in town right now, as we have sold the old church building and are waiting on the new one to be completed. i believe the move in date will be the beginning of Nov. I cannot wait! I know that doesnt matter in the scheme of things but it will be so nice to have pews again and really be in OUR church home again! It is mazing what we take for granted but it does make a difference especially when you have a screaming baby and no nursery to take her to. We lost quite a few members when we were at the old building for different reasons but I know one was that the location had become undesireable so I am also looking foward to the church growing again.
Savannah comes home this afternoon. I am excited to hear about her weekend. I enjoy her weekends with her father because there is a bit of a break and I know she has a good time but I do miss her. Her dad took her to the fair so it was nice not to have to go this year. I do actually enjoy it a lot...they have made it so expensive though. blah blah blah! I could ramble all day but I have to go finish some errands before I go get Savannah. Pirt usually does all that with me on Sundays but he has to work today. I still dont understand why they couldnt wait till tomorrow. It seems that ever since he got the company truck (hallelujah!) they have really pushed him more. It will be two weeks with no off day:( He doesnt mind though so I guess I will deal with it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
the Specifics.
These first blogs are short. I am either tired, or busy and in a hurry, or (less likely) I have not found a tangent to run off on.
I went to the cardiologist today. I did the treadmill stress test and I dont think I passed to well. He said there were some changes during the test that he wants to look at and gave me some meds for heartburn/ind because that could be the reason for the pain in my chest. "You are waaay too young to be having tests like these done!" I cannot say how many times I hear that everytime I go. Im sure it is nothing but the only other thing is to do the stress test with an IV and to monitor the blood flow from my heart. better be indegestion or something. I may have become somewhat of a hypocondriac after having the post partum heart problems. I think it may be a slight case of post partum depression. I get so consumed with what-ifs and I worry about EVERYTHING. I am happy (and have no reason not to be) and there are no thoughts of hurting myself or anyone else, just sometimes I cant find my way out of this slump. And the idea that somehow death is all around and imminent. I think maybe the realization that I am not as invinsible as I thought I was in my teens and early twenties. These complications just kinda brought it to life and in my face. Dea says I am spending too much time alone. she is probably right. Besides the gym and the occasional volunteering at school, it is just the baby and I.
Deborah (Mother-in-law Jr---no time to explain) came and watched Sara Faith while I went. I think she was less than happy with Grandma as she said she cried the whole time. She did the same thing a couple weeks ago with my mom. Savannah never did that. She did not care one bit who had her, as long as she was entertained. Correction unless Nana was around, she absolutely pitched a fit to be with her! And still at church never fails for her to ask to sit by Nana and go home with her...everytime:)
The fair is in town this week. I have not even thought about taking Savannah yet. Pirt (my husband, aka Michael:) ) does not want to go. Maybe this weekend. Time to wake up Sara Faith and pick up Savannah from school. Yay!
I went to the cardiologist today. I did the treadmill stress test and I dont think I passed to well. He said there were some changes during the test that he wants to look at and gave me some meds for heartburn/ind because that could be the reason for the pain in my chest. "You are waaay too young to be having tests like these done!" I cannot say how many times I hear that everytime I go. Im sure it is nothing but the only other thing is to do the stress test with an IV and to monitor the blood flow from my heart. better be indegestion or something. I may have become somewhat of a hypocondriac after having the post partum heart problems. I think it may be a slight case of post partum depression. I get so consumed with what-ifs and I worry about EVERYTHING. I am happy (and have no reason not to be) and there are no thoughts of hurting myself or anyone else, just sometimes I cant find my way out of this slump. And the idea that somehow death is all around and imminent. I think maybe the realization that I am not as invinsible as I thought I was in my teens and early twenties. These complications just kinda brought it to life and in my face. Dea says I am spending too much time alone. she is probably right. Besides the gym and the occasional volunteering at school, it is just the baby and I.
Deborah (Mother-in-law Jr---no time to explain) came and watched Sara Faith while I went. I think she was less than happy with Grandma as she said she cried the whole time. She did the same thing a couple weeks ago with my mom. Savannah never did that. She did not care one bit who had her, as long as she was entertained. Correction unless Nana was around, she absolutely pitched a fit to be with her! And still at church never fails for her to ask to sit by Nana and go home with her...everytime:)
The fair is in town this week. I have not even thought about taking Savannah yet. Pirt (my husband, aka Michael:) ) does not want to go. Maybe this weekend. Time to wake up Sara Faith and pick up Savannah from school. Yay!
Light Start
Lets make the first about politics! Great idea Lisa! These commercials have always made me laugh. Havent we come along too far to still be persuaded by the kissing babies routine? I love the one of the judge from Lauderdale County reading the bible with amazing grace being sung in the background. Does she play it in the courtroom? I especially love Bobby Brights where he is in the old part of town hovered around an old beat-up pickup talking to an elderly person, a soldier and a cripple pretending not to notice the camera. Mine would be me at a local minority school reading the ugly duckling or helping unload the goodwill truck myself. Mine would be good!
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