Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am so busy but I seem to find time for these things!

First I think it is rediculous that I liked this young adult fiction so much that I read all four of them in 2 weeks! I actually bought the first copy for someone else and wanted to "skim" it to see if she would like it. We see how that went! It definitely lives up to all the hype surrounding it!
Secondly, I gained a rediculous amount of weight with my last pregnancy as I did with the first but I guess the difference woud be I didn't bounce back at 28 like I did at 21! So, I am spending an aweful lot of time at this place (Y's UP at Hillwood) trying to shape up again. Ha! This is what Sara Faith thinks about me leaving her there!

I hate how they act like celebs are all fat and homely looking when they are pregnant and they have gained 3 lbs! The girl from Dancing with the stars gained 15lbs!!! They asked her "How did you lose the weight????" Duh, she never gained it. ugh!

And last for now, I am rediculously excited about this season's bachelor! I think he is a little bit of a ho but he seemd like the nices one so far. hehe. I do like him though not just because he is dreamy but he honestly doesnt seem shallow and I think has made some good decisions so far! I am rooting for this girl! Stephanie from AL! Yay! That's not why thought. She is so sweet and charming and has been through so much. I just think they would be good together. I do think she is a little older than the other girls but she looks amazing to be in her 30's! She has a little girl and her husband was killed in a plane crash when she was 10 weeks old. On one episode it was the girls birthday and Jason surprised Stephanie by bringing Sophia there. Oooh, I boo-hooed! My DVR did not record the one from last Monday if there was one, and I am pretty ill about it! I will have to wait till next week :(

Monday, January 12, 2009

I have a perfectly good Bible. It is maroon, NKJV, regular print, and was a gift a few years ago from my sweet sister. I have to admit that lately (as in it was on my Christmas list but I backed out until I was 100% sure what I wanted) I have been considering getting another Bible. An additional bible. I know I want large print, tabbed (haha i hate searching!), study bible. What I don't know is the version. I have always known about the errors in the KJV and I have always had either the NKJV or NIV. My Bible class teacher had been using the English standard version and I really liked that one. So to me the simple solution would be Which one is easiest to follow and understand?
Not so. I believe, no I know that they do not all word The Message the same. They do not have to until it changes the message. That's what worries me. I bought Savannah a Bible when she was 2. It was pink and a little bigger than the babies' new testament w/ psalms and since she couldn't read it, that was all that mattered. Instead of a version on the front it said iCONNECT. I put a horse sticker over that and off we went. She is 6 now and when she started using her Bible in class we decided to get the NIV child's study Bible..perfect. By the way It is the adventure Bible for her age group with little excercises in it as well. Anyways, I read some of her old Bible and could not believe the outright changes in wording. To actually prove a point, I think. This post is getting unintentionally long so I will give 1 example Acts 2:38.
NKJV Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
iConnect Peter replied, "Each of you must repent of your sins, turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ to show that you have received the gift of the Holy Spirit."
NKJV says repent and be baptized for forgiveness and the 2nd says repent and then be baptized to show that you have already been saved. Now it says it is based on the NLT translation but if you look at 2:38 in that translation here, it does not word it that way...hmmm?
Well back to the beginning *sigh* ( My thoughts are all over the place but it is late :)
God is loving, just, and all-knowing. That means He knows I am a C student and certainly not a scholar with the time to search back to the language of the original scrolls and so I should be able to trust that what I read in the Bible is NOT up for interpretation. Do not add to and do not take away lets me know that if He says "Do it with bells on'" I will be jingling.
I gues I have narrowed it down to being easy to read and scripturally accurate, with the latter being the most important. We'll see how it goes. Next post will be back to the girl who cries while watching HGTV and not so deep! Ha!
Here is a joke I found earlier tonight:

A woman went into her kitchen to find a burglar loaded down with a bunch of stuff he was stealing from her kitchen. Not having any kind of weapon to scare him off, she raised her hand and said "Acts 2:38," and proceeded to quote scripture.
The burglar froze in place and didn't move. The woman called 911, the police arrived and were amazed to find the burglar still frozen where he stood.
"What did you say to him that kept him from moving?" they asked the woman.
She told them that she had simply said Acts 2:38 and quoted scripture.
The police chuckled and escorted the burglar out to the patrol car. "Why did the woman's quoting scripture scare you so much?" they asked.
"Scripture?" said the burglar, "I thought she said she had an ax and two 38's!"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Life in Pictures( the last couple weeks anyways!)

It's hard to believe that I actually had to cut down to a few pictures so this wasn't too long! There's still a lot because I have not been able to upload for some reason. We had a very busy holiday season but maybe the best one ever!

My girls had a fabulous Christmas! Even though Savannah's jump rope got stuck in the chimney....Ha! We finally found one and she "found" it in the fireplace with a note (Thanks to my cousin Kim and her calligraphy skills!) from Santa. I agree that your kids don't have to get everything they asked for but 1)she only asked for 2 things and 2).they were not expensive (obviously the jumprope was $2 :)