Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
See what happened was....
So just after I posted this cute picture of my girls eating ice-cream at Burger King on a hot day, I had a brilliant idea!
Since it was over 100degrees outside and we had been in there about 45minutes, I thought I would go start the truck (Expedition) and let it get cool.
I go outside, crank the truck, place my bags in it, and shut the door.
It takes a whole 8 minutes to clean our mess, grab Harper's carseat, and PRY Sara Faith from the play area. When I get to the vehicle, I put the carseat down (Savannah is carrying SF) and lift the handle...Doors are locked! All of them. With my keys in the ignition and my purse and phone in the truck. -- I thought vehicles made this century weren't supposed to do that!--
Please understand I am no stranger to predicaments! My grandfather will tell you how many times he has found my shoes, purse, phone, keys left at his house... I'm A.D.D. people! Once my friend called and said "You and your car are gone, but your keys are in my living room?" ha! I had a spare of coarse!
But this day was different. My husband is in South Alabama. It was H.O.T. My mom wasn't feeling well (<----can I just say Call Mom= LAST OPTION! I try to at least look a little capable )
What to do?
Right away I remembered The very rear passenger side window had a leak or something. That is my husbands business so I wasn't really sure what but I knew we hadn't gotten it fixed yet so when I checked sure enough I pried that sucker open about a foot! Savannah climbs up the tailgate and over to the window, steps on me cheerleader-style, crawls through the little hole and...she's in! She is crying and embarrassed --- the usual--- but she opens the doors. I load up the babies and try to ignore the group of women in the window who watched the whole thing happen.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
A great giveaway for A great cause!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I Swear I Should Get an Offer After This.
I mean really after yesterday! Have I mentioned my house is on the market? With 3 kids (I know Savannah has been gone most of the summer but still!) it is so difficult to keep it "show ready". Ha! I laugh at myself right now because in 4 months it has NOT been in that condition. Not even close!
Well we have had 2 people see it so far and they both said "location is not what they were wanting." Why did I pack up my family and leave for you to look at the house??? Get a map JERKS. I digress.
The wind changed and brought some lookers. Saturday we had someone look at the house. *very posative feedback too :)* So on Monday morning the house wasn't too far from being ready. My realtor let me know in the morning that we would have someone looking at 1:30pm. OK No problem. heh! That wind brought 2 more for a total of 3 showings on Monday! Well Harper had PT at 11am. In our home. While we did this, I shut Cooper in Savannah's CLEAN room... and forgot about him until 12:45. That's right; I was busy.
First I sent April, my realtor (and thankfully very good, very calm friend) this picture of what I found. I don't know if you can make out the sandal and diaper in all that. And apparently he had been keeping a stash from the weekend under her bed.
I'm just gonna tell you the conversation with my realtor at that point.
1pm- 30min till showing
receive text: showing at 1:45. eek really? OK I can do this.
I walk into the kitchen and find the 3-wick candle I had previously lit and set on the windowsil above the sink, fell, busted and now wax has dripped all down the backsplash and sink mixed in with the busted glass. There's is a knock at my door. me: no shower yet, sweaty, crazy mad and babies still crying in their chairs.
Old dude: Are you missing a dog name Cooper?
At this point it is 1:10. I call April and cancel the whole thing. Then call my mom and start sobbing. April calls me back and she has worked her magic. (I don't think I really want to know what she said) and everything has been pushed back an hour. My Mom comes right over and gets the babies while I stay and finish cleaning everything up. I pulled out of the driveway at 2:25!
This happened.
April swears I will laugh at this. Not yet but maybe you will.
Facebook Status Round-up Part 1
Lisa has been lazy and laying in bed watching TV with the babes since 7:30 but Harper has PT at 11 and I just found out the house is showing at 1:30. Guess I better get moving! July 18 at 8:54am
watching Bedknobs and Broomsticks with Savannah. july 11 at 11:10pm
We are almost back from ATL. Not so much worried about texting and driving as i am about my husband doing card tricks while driving...July 11 at 3:27pm
Lisa is watching "The tooth Fairy" with Pirt, Harp, and SF, who has a 102 fever and is po' pitiful! tonight: DiGiorno!!
oh and Harper cut her first tooth! July 8 at 7:15pm
I was on the phone with Charter to get my internet password and she is constantly yelling "AGENT!!" during the call. (because the automated thing was making me a little mad!) July 6 at 10:43pm
This is Harper. yesterday was the best day of my life! I got to finally eat grown-up food. (do you people eat like this all the time???) I had pancakes, sausage, ravioli, butter beans and peas, potato salad, a roll, and banana pudding. I will never eat gerber again. and I swam for the first time and saw fireworks. July 4th will always be my fav holiday! ps. SF cried during fireworks. What a baby! July 5 11:24am
I'm thinking it's pretty bad when we go to the pharmacy drive-thru and SF is yelling "cheeseburger" out the window! July 3 at 7:49pm
Sara Faith
bad: she plays with the waterbowl and makes a mess
good: hand her papertowels and she cleans it up and likes it! July 2nd 6:32pm
So a girl ask about the car I have listed and tries to talk me down a few Gs. Then I tell her I got another car that might be more in her price range. We agree on a price and she says "well I don't have any money right now, but I start a new job Monday. I am still serious about the cars so can I come test drive?"
crazybrokegirlsay wha? June 30 at 10:51pm
Breaking news from the DR... Harper is very small and her problems stem from the IUGR and everything we already new. Can i have my $30 back?
jk. actually good to hear no neurological problems. just got to get some bloodwork no CT (radiation bad for babe) and no MRI (they would have put her out). good news. June 27th 12:37pm
Ha got a 14.6 lb little peanut! June 28 at 11:00am
left the room with SF watching Elmo and came back and she is watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre...?????? June 26 at 9:19pm
Went to the zoo with SF today. June 26
paying Pirt's speeding ticket today and thinking of all the things I could be doing with that money :(
he had just got that radar det and I knew between that and his CB, he was a gonner. ugh June 25 at 11:00am via
has put off cleaning the kitchen until 11. I knew I shouldn't have cooked. I could eat just cereal forever. Why can't they??? June 24 at 11:05pm
Sara faith over heard Pirt and I discussing possibly going to the beach for the 4th. Only she decided we were talking about RIGHT NOW. It's bedtime and she is screaming and crying. I cought a couple words in there. "Beach..dada.. mama..sit!! I wanna eat beach" June 23rd at 9:02pm
Cooper turned 1 in Feb. We have had him since April '09. I just recently "uncrated" him. He has had no accidents. At night, I usually find him asleep on the couch or with Sara Faith. He has been left in the house roaming free for the first time this weekend and this morning during VBS. He is doing so good! However I will make sure next time to take the trash out before leaving. So Proud! June 21 at 5:16pm
sitting up with SF because she woke up screaming. Bug!! Bug! I touch it!
Now she won't go back to bed. ANY bed. June 20 at 11:51pm
Tonight I hear Savannah telling her little friends "Spanish is my 2nd language."
In the car I tell her really she should quit saying she speaks Spanish cause she only knows a couple words and can count.
annoyed she says "que pasa?"
"um.. have you not heard me talking to Carlos? (LaBamba's) or did you not understand what ...we were saying?" June 19 at 12:48am
I just checked the mail and am pumped to have a new Sunday lunch team! I like to mix it up :)
not so happy about no longer being on my cuz team cause she makes the most awesome...everything. especially the Red Velvet cookies!!! oh :( June 15 at 4:28pm
Danny opened the envelope and said he was checking the draft... :)
June 15 at 4:40pm ·
LOL! Looks like ya'll moved with us :)
June 15 at 4:45pm ·
Thanks for the shout out. :o)
June 15 at 5:12pm ·
"Checking the draft." I love it!
June 15 at 5:48pm ·
Yeah, Sarah, you're on my team. You and Brooks better stay at these gigs. I'll see what I can do to avoid cream cheese.
June 15 at 5:54pm ·
has been giving SF popcorn all day so she would be thirsty and drink a lot of water. That way we can work on this potty-training thing. So far she has messed in her pants and peed on the floor twice. I am letting her run around naked. She has already ran out of underwear anyways.
I'm really wondering if the daycare wor...ker that potty-trained Savannah is still at Green Jeans in Tusc. I could enroll SF for one week June 11 at 3:17pm
Dear Today show, The lady said she didn't have much money to decorate. Maybe don't suggest Pottery Barn or Pier 1 furniture. June 3 at 9:44am
just because you look and don't see a cop around doesn't mean the mom behind you won't get your tag and report your A** for turning up your tallboy and throwing it out the window! jerk June 2 at 10:45am