Thursday, July 29, 2010

See what happened was....

Sometimes in life things just happen. And sometimes things happen because I don't pay attention ----- My husbands favorite "comeback"

So just after I posted this cute picture of my girls eating ice-cream at Burger King on a hot day, I had a brilliant idea!
Since it was over 100degrees outside and we had been in there about 45minutes, I thought I would go start the truck (Expedition) and let it get cool.
I go outside, crank the truck, place my bags in it, and shut the door.
It takes a whole 8 minutes to clean our mess, grab Harper's carseat, and PRY Sara Faith from the play area. When I get to the vehicle, I put the carseat down (Savannah is carrying SF) and lift the handle...Doors are locked! All of them. With my keys in the ignition and my purse and phone in the truck. -- I thought vehicles made this century weren't supposed to do that!--

Please understand I am no stranger to predicaments! My grandfather will tell you how many times he has found my shoes, purse, phone, keys left at his house... I'm A.D.D. people! Once my friend called and said "You and your car are gone, but your keys are in my living room?" ha! I had a spare of coarse!

But this day was different. My husband is in South Alabama. It was H.O.T. My mom wasn't feeling well (<----can I just say Call Mom= LAST OPTION! I try to at least look a little capable )
What to do?

Right away I remembered The very rear passenger side window had a leak or something. That is my husbands business so I wasn't really sure what but I knew we hadn't gotten it fixed yet so when I checked sure enough I pried that sucker open about a foot! Savannah climbs up the tailgate and over to the window, steps on me cheerleader-style, crawls through the little hole and...she's in! She is crying and embarrassed --- the usual--- but she opens the doors. I load up the babies and try to ignore the group of women in the window who watched the whole thing happen.

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