Saturday, August 28, 2010
Harper's 1st birthday
My sweet Harper turned 1 yesterday :) That is so exciting for any baby, but for her it is doubly exciting considering all she's been through! I don't go all out for 1st birthdays. I learned my lesson with Savannah but we did have some icecream cake (the hubs favorite) and of coarse Harper got her own cupcake. I am about to post some pictures of her diving into it. She was so precious in her little tutu that my friend made for her!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
She is the person she will be.
Pretty soon Savannah will help me with electronics. The only good thing about babies getting older.
Actually I do look foward to her getting older. I look foward to conversations with her as an adult. I'm not wishing time away or anything but I am excited about all things Savannah. She is at an age right now that might very well be my all-time favorite. She loves her mom and is not too cool for me. She still wants to be tucked in at night but can get up and get herself ready in the mornings. She has intelligent opinions and is so cute and conversational and I L-O-V-E that laugh! She is a different kind of cute than when she was little. A new cute. She giggles at appropriate things like something she read or figured out, not just the silliness small kids come up with like " that dog has an alligator tail" (she said that once when she was 4 and cracked herself up :) She is compassionate and has a great sense of self. She has a very real sense of right/wrong and takes responsibility for decisions she has made. I am loving this particular 8 year old at my house. She has started to become the person she will be. When you are pregnant or have a small baby, you wonder what or who they will be. I get these glimpses of her as an individual and I melt.
- She is not the bully; she is the comforter.
- She is sensative and takes everything to heart.
- She is creative in many ways.
- She is sweet. I mean very sweet. She wants everyone around her to be happy or she isn't.
- She loves music. In a way I never did.
- She is a caretaker/very nurturing.
- She has no problem getting in front of a crowd. Actually she loves it.
- She is smart. Dangerously smart. Keep this girl occupied kind of smart.
- She is driven. She wants so much out of life and can't settle on one thing. "I can't choose, Momma. I want to do them all!"
- When she grows up she wants to be a chef, masseuse, teacher, vet, lawyer (the last 3 are new as of third grade. She says she is thinking the other 2 are hobbies)
Savannah always wanted to be a sister. Literally. She told me regularly and named the kids she knew who had siblings. She took her many dolls with her and I remember this lady said "Oh, aren't you a sweet mommy?" She quickly responded, "No, these are my mom's. I'm the sister. no responsibility." She named those dolls and I remember telling her if she was going say they were all mine, she had to stop giving each baby a different last name.
Even the kids she knows now that are only children, she feels bad for them. As an only child for 6 years, we wondered how she would do when Sara Faith was in the picture. When she was born, of coarse it was easy. She was a baby and it was exciting and new. Now two and a half years later, I can say she is the best big sister and these girls have filled a whole in her little heart. She is so gentle and kind. She plays with Sara Faith and feeds Harper. She grumps at me when I ask her to do things but NEVER if it is doing something for them. She is so proud of them. She wants everyone to see them and know they are her sisters. She thinks they are "so sweet--- awe Mommy, did you see her? How CUTE!" She ask me everynight if SF can sleep with her. When Sara Faith bites (we are working on that), she doesn't get mad at her, she turns to me to correct the issue. But I can't be too hard on her now because her big sister won't have that ;) I love my VannahBean/FunnyBunny!
big sister- protecter, confidant, friend.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The glorifying job of washing other people's under-roos
I have always done my own laundry. Obviously my mom did it when I was real small but I guess about JR High I started doing my own. Probably because my clothes were the worst. I changed clothes a million times a day (Savannah is giving me major payback already!) We had to sort it, wash it, fold it and put it away. I thought I'd die. I mean was I being punished? My friends didn't have to do their laundry--- I assumed. I had a white Dance Team uniform then and I remember my mom saying they should have given me any other color! I spilled everything on it. I remember onetime the cheerleading sponsor actually taking my uniform home to wash it before a pep-rally because I spilled red punch on it at lunch. Why was I even allowed to drink red punch? There should have been a sign.
- whites
- reds
- towels
- mommy
- daddy -- and his mini piles
- Savannah-- her uniforms now have their own pile
- babies-- divided by clothes and linens/towels
- rugs
- linens
The other day I found out my mom has a dresser for her yorkies. Not kidding. They each have their own drawer. My cousin Beth also has a yorkie and kinda spoils my moms dogs with clothes.Just for fun, here is Beth's dog Brinkley "Bwinkeeeey" -SF
All I can say is I have enough laundry so I'm glad I have a.. beagle/bird dog or whatever he is.
Helpful hints:- Fold while you watch TV. It's like a treat for having to endure it. But I guess that's out now thanks to the new rule. But lets be honest. I would pull a Savannah and watch TV and never even touch the laundry.
- Do it everyday. Um NO.
- Implore family members to help. Savannah does get hers together for me and Pirt actually does his on Sunday night but all this can't just be mine and the babies??? They better enjoy it now. Just wait till they are older. That's what I say about every chore. I will not be alone cleaning this house!
- Make really fun plans or lunch out as a reward. I would probably still go anyway.
- Throw it all away and buy new stuff!!!! too broke :(
- Just suck it up and do the dang laundry.
Ugh here I go. Text me. call me. I will be so bored :(
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Nana house! Nana house!!
What I do know is they are very lucky to have a Nana who enjoys having each girl and loves their differences. If you ask Sara faith, "Who's baby are you?" She will proudly announce "Nana's!!!" I can't even get her to answer different at my house. Savannah always did the same and she is trying to start Harper on it now ;)
I look foward to getting pictures after (sometimes during) their visit so I can see how much fun they have!
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Blame Game
I will say this. It's an opinion. get over it. If you are unable to see your niece, nephew, grandchild, etc, because your brother, son, daughter... that is just too confusing.
Savannah's dad has been very erratic over the years about seeing her. When he decides to come around he undisireable danger. She hasn't seen him since Oct 2008. Not my fault. His Mom's family has never called me. never. My number has stayed the same. Get mad at your loser son/brother for not getting her or being responsible. It is not my responsability to make sure you are united with your family. I have enough to deal with on a daily basis. Poor him. boohoo. If I FELT I couldn't see my daughter, I guarantee it wouldn't be almost 2 years later before I spoke up. This is his doing. Point your frustration toward the one dropping the ball. My parents were divorced growing up. My mom never took me to see my Dad's family. He did.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
New SCHOOL Year Resolutions
What a week! It was the first week of Savannah's school and it has been a crazy one! Here she is after school Tuesday. It's the first year they are wearing uniforms and I wasn't so sure but I am really starting to love them!
I started writing this post called New SCHOOL year Resolutions about how we were going to stay on track, be super organized and be ON TIME --- I don't know how many times I checked Savannah in last year, but I'm pretty sure it was circled on her report card. I blame having
- A hospital stay the first week.
- a new baby the third week
- Aforementioned baby in the NICU for a month
- getting used to 2 babies in the morning trying to help Savannah get ready for school.
I can't really blame that anymore but it looks like the fates are giving me other excuses.
Day 1, Monday, was perfect. She had a great day and loved it! Day 2 we were all loaded up(see this post.) crank the Truck and... nothing. It's dead. The battery is dead! I have another car, a Lincoln LS that we are trying to sell because my fam has outgrown it. I try not to drive it much because we will get it dirty but yay for me having it this week! So just like in the post you went back and read ;) we change out carseats, go find keys, get ready to take Lincoln :( only we have to drive through the median and out the neighbors driveway to get my car-which is parked ahead of the Expedition --out of the driveway. make sense? That would still be OK if my neighbor didn't park her car right where I would need to get out while she went inside to get something. It's her driveway I get it. But not good timing. So on this 2nd day of school I am already checking Savannah in.
I am awesome though and didn't want to bother my husband. So I used my car and,for the 1st time, Jumped the truck off!!! Then went to Sears and got a new battery installed. Ready for the next day! Day 3, the next day... Kids all loaded up, ready Savannah's Stuff all together. We get just in front of the house and I hear the unmistakable sound of a flat tire bumping along. NO WAY! yes way. I get the truck where it needs to be and do the now customary switcharoo. Takes forever and you guessed it, I checked her in again. She even got fussed at :(
My husband has a friend who is a truck mechanic for a large trucking company and he was nice enough to stop by and fill up the tire between jobs. Thanks!!!
So we're all set now. We run errands on Wed and go to church and are ready to head out again this morning. I crank that truck early, check the tires, get all loaded and What's that noise? Emergency vehicles coming my way? (Maybe an escort to school? I deserve it.) Ambulance, Firetruck, police all stop at the end of my driveway for the house accross the street. No I am not joking. "Excuse me? sir? please? I know you are a little busy see we have been late for school already and..." They move to let me out but want to ask questions about who lives there because no one is answering. (The dude's in a nursing home). I Squeeze out between the fire rescue truck and the lincoln (parked on the street just in case :) and they start waving at me. Oh No I am curious how they got a call to a vacant house, but I have to go! I wave back "No more questions right now" and head to school. I get a lot of honks but I was on my phone with Pirt and assumed they were fussing about that. Shortly I drop Savannah off and she has forgotten her lunchbox. UGH! As I pull up at the stop sign a mom stops me and tells me there is a lunchbox on my bumper. Ha! You know that is why the police were waving and everyone was honking. haha. I was the girl in the minivan commercial with the diaperbag on her van. hahahaha
Just for effect, here is a sample picture:
Now I am not really a believer in fate but seriously this afternoon when I loaded up the babies in that freakin truck again..guess what.. It wouldn't freakin crank! Are you kidding me? Have you seen a carpool line? Do you know the mad women that volunteer to stand out in the hot sun and deliver you your children safely? Do you know the looks you get when you are the last person there for pick-up???? This year better get better!
I am ready to go finish the paperwork I have put off until now. Savannah filled out a lot of it but I must do the rest. peace.
grab and go; a quick trip
(do you know how hard it is to get small kids to take a picture and actually get a decent one out of 50 shots?)
NOW that being said. I need a can of crescent rolls. That's it. One can. They are at the grocery store. So easy to find and so convenient. However, I can't just go. I want to put on my jeans, throw on a hat, grab my keys and go for a quick trip. But Mom's of little ones can't do that. I would have to check diapers, dress baby, feed baby check inventory of diaper bag --- x2.
yes this stuff gets done during the day anyway, but not all in one swoop to go get a crescent roll. And you have to do all this for 2 reasons:
- Your trip for crescent rolls will turn into a "squeeze as many errands in as possible" trip.
- There is no way you do all that work just for a can of crescent rolls. You will make a list since you are going to be "out" and it's such a big deal. Then might as well knock out anything else because once you are back home you aren't going to want to do it again for a couple days. Sometimes in the mornings when I get back from taking Savannah to school I sit in the driveway and do a runthrough.
My head: Anything I need? I could leave them in their seats (with AC, duh) and run in and grab the diaperbag and a few things since they are already in there because once I get them unloaded I will not want to load them back up and get all prepared. Which is where I am right now, needing crescent rolls and not wanting the hassle. Just grab and go; a quick trip.
P.S. some of us do have awesome family/friends that will come over and sit with the babes so we can do errands misery-free. For me it is usually my MIL---Thank you Deb!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Lunch Ideas?
Savannah and I decided she should take her lunch this year instead of buying at school. I can still put money on her account for those days we are running late or she leaves her lunch in the car, etc. There will be many of those. However, for the most part we are doing it at home. So I am making menus. Not for everyday really. Just ideas in general. I love the idea of pre-packaged items; whether we stay up and do it or we buy it that way, it is a must! But NOT read NOT lunchables. Those are OK for Sara Faith but Savannah is like "Where is the rest?"
Now I usually compare prices so as not to spend way more on something that could easily just be made/devided up by us. For example, those crustable sandwiches are very good, but a little costly. And we pretty much got the sandwich thing down. In fact, because of a great idea from a friend of mine, Jane, who packs lunch for 3 kids, herself and her husband (Now those are the people you don't turn down advice from!), we make several sanwiches and freeze them. I don't know about mayo because her fam, nor my hubby like it and Savannah doesn't really care. So we just do mustard or pb&j.
We go shopping for Publix BOGO on bread. (on most things actually) I really like the pita flat bread but we use wheat too. It just wasn't on sale this week ;) We just go shopping and on Sunday night all 3 of us make a ton to last. Well, sometimes my husband helps but he goes to bed early. I believe Jane and her fam make their sandwiches for the whole month. We pack bags of carrots, trailmix, grapes, and apple slices (love the core slicer!) That little packet is ranch dip for the carrots. Otherwise there will be wasted carrots. Sad but true. Usually we have randoms things of ranch and honey mustard from like chik-fil-A or Arby's but not today. The pre-packaged Craisins and raisons are not anymore expensive so I just buy those. And I love those big bags of individual chips. She doesn't take them everyday but when they do, they will have choices. I am not a health nut so it doesn't bother me but at least I'm not sending her with a coke, right? I like to make myself feel better. Anywhoo.. another Lisa P. approved lunch is tacos. Sometimes we do taco Sunday from Taco Bell. SO? Savannah heats them up in the morning wraps them in tinfoil and they are perfect at lunch. You can see Jello in the pic and I really like to make the sugar-free kind. One of the few sugar-free deserts that really do tastes good --so take advantage you know? But I need to get some better plastic bowl/lids first. See the pb&j? She likes me to cut it but MY child likes the crust. So it stays. Some times I use cookie cutters to be fun and give the ends to the babies. They loves it!
I almost for about the pickles. My fam eats these a lot. I asked her if it made her lunch smell but she says no. so OK!
This little soup cup is awesome! When it starts getting cold we are some soup makin' people! Taco soup, enchilada soup, Chicken n dumplings, vege soup--- you get it. Heat the leftovers really hot in the morning and by lunch it is perfectly warm :) Throw in some crackers and a bottle water mostly froozen with a pack of crystal light. But of coarse plain is good too. These are what we have so far. I am trying to keep a better inventory than I did last year -- which was why we ended up with more bought school lunches. New school year = new school year resolutions hmmm?
What are your lunch ideas? healthy? quick? cheap? whatev!
Monday, August 9, 2010
- cabinet locks,
- those door handle things,
- plug covers,
- and of coarse the potty lock.
Really I have never seen anyone with one of those. We just got in a good habit of shutting the door. I love the scene from Baby Mama where Amy Poehler pees in the sink
Friday, August 6, 2010
No-Go BlogHer Blog Hop
I know about the BlogHer convention going on from the news actually and have seen it on a couple blogs. I think it is a great idea but I'm like most people. Not going. So this is a cool idea to see other bloggers. The No-Go BlogHer Blog Hop. Want to join? Just click that badge up top and answer the following questions:I'm ready to start reading them now!
When did you start blogging?
Oct 8, 2008 was my first post
Why did you start blogging?
When I would update my status on Facebook everyone would say "you're so funny, you should write a blog. But then I felt pressure and wouldn't post any status' for a bit. Mostly it was posts about funny things Savannah said. Then My mom was like I hope you are documenting these things somewhere other than facebook because one day you will want to remember it." Thus, I created my little blog.
What is one thing you are going to do this week that is WAY cooler than going to BlogHer? The obvious answer is taking sweet Savannah for her first week of third grade! The not so obvious? Starting back at the gym Monday morning for the first time since the summer. I have an age milestone in Sept and I'm not saying which one. But it is goood motivation!
Share a post that you think says a lot about you or is your favorite. (share the link in YOUR post so we all can see) This will be hard!
I don't know that I have a post I feel describes me but I have 2 I want to share. Is that against the rules????
This one shows a major event in our household that happened during my blogging hiatas. It explains what my fam is dealing with right now.
This is a little more light-hearted and shows the craziness that resides in our household. crack me up!
Thank you so much if you came from there to read here! I welcome any comments!
Let's talk about Boobs.
Wednesday I ran so many errands with my girls. So many. The kind that put you in a bad mood and you say NO to everything your kids ask you without really listening to the questions. Not to mention the temps were in the 100s. This was earlier in the day and when I got home I go straight to take a shower--So sweattty!! gross! and Savannah had her 3rd grade orientation that night. I look in the mirror and my cute pink shirt had.. a.. oreo handprint right on the boob. If you have kids there will be many moments like this. Accept it . I have. I remember giving her that bribe cookie 3 stores before that moment and it explained a lot of stares that I credited to my cute pink shirt :(
So by the afternoon I have been chasing kids and the dog and tripping over messes, burning dinner.. you know.. my life. I realize I am running late as I crack open the diet coke and rush to my vanity to blow-dry. I try to drink while doing this and it didn't work out too well. Of coarse I was wearing a white shirt and might be kicked out of the PTA for the "design" the coke left on my chest.
change, turn around, hear a scream and a cry... diet coke is missing.
SF has apparently taken it while I was changing and now she has spilled the whole thing down her freshly washed and ironed (I never do that!) outfit. And it's time to go. I drop her and a change of clothes at my Mom's and S and I head to school.
After church that night I am talking to a friend and my toddler wants to roll on the rug and I don't so I am holding her, she is crying and pulling my shirt WAY down. I didn't even realize it until my friend said "Oh, My Will does that all the time." If she is reading I apologize. That is quite an eyefull.
I will say after children I just don't get embarrassed anymore. I was the most modest kid EVER! I couldn't change in front of my sisters. One of which preferred to walk around in her skivies. I don't think she ever used her door. It was your problem if you had a problem with that. And I usually did. In college I used to drive home at lunch to go to the bathroom. In highschool I couldn't but I held it! Then something happened. I had a baby. And another. And another. One day I want my bathroom time back. One day I will get to go potty alone. And take a shower alone. I JUST know it.
I have talked enough about that. Almost. When I was a teen I had a regular babysitting job at my neighbors. I loved their girls and will always remember them and that time with them. One day I was rolling around on the floor with Gina and she looked at my boobs and said "Why do you got those big bones?" ha!!!!! I was quite blessed and her mom was admittedly F-L-A-T (even though her hubs was a plastic surgeon) so when I laughed and told her about it she said it must have really been confusing for her.. Then she said during a trip to the grocery store she had on a padded bra and noticed people staring so she looked down to find Gina double palming and squeezing them! She had no idea. Love it.
Hey, I ran out of walls, Can I paint at your house?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
don't text or call :(
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
pool time steals my functionality.
see, I haven't been a total no-fun-mom this summer.
It's usually way too busy around here for that but...sigh... Savannah's school starts back Monday so we are trying to make the most of it.
Sara Faith was so funny! She wanted to get dunked over and over. here you see. sorry about centering and the stupid water drop right in her face the whole time that I knew nothing about. geez! but you can't redo this masterpiece!
Oh and listen to this:
We didn't get home until after 7 last night. I was tired and the battery in the Expedition was D-E-A-D so my husband jumped it off but not until about 9:30. He says to leave it running for 10 minutes and off to bed he goes. No prob, I can watch a little TV, maybe clean the kitchen...(I didn't) while I wait. I was so exhausted and at 3:30am when SF wakes up crying (screaming!) for Apple juice and Mommy's bed. She got the juice but we are really sticking to it about her not sleeping with us. She has her own twin bed and we put a rail on the other side of Savannah's dbl bed so she can choose. But she always points to MY bed and says "Saaa Sais bed" nope..not giving in!
ANYWAYZ, she is screaming so I take her outside where she can't wake up the whole family and I find...... the truck still running. yep, I forgot. My husband has only said a few words to me all day. Is it OK if I blame it on being tired when what I'm tired from is a long no-stress day at the pool?