Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Benefit of the Doubt

Saturday night Savannah's bestest little friend, Lakyn spent the night and went to church with us Sunday. Now we just adore this child! She is sweet and very mature (she loves to clean!) and a is always a pleasure to have around. We have been good friends with her parents for a few years now. Her father actually works with my husband. Well Sat night we made a quick stop at Target to get a highchair. We thought we could maybe avoid getting one and just forever use the Bumbo but Sara Faith is not containable in that anymore. It served us well for months but it was time to move foward. We are in the baby section and the girls start getting excited about some Christmas outfits they have found. It was some little baby onsies and shirts and bloomers that said "Baby's First Christas" and "Santa's little Helper" etc. I say "No, we are getting a high chair and milk and leaving. That is all!" Well the next morning during worship I reach into the diaper bag to get a bib and look what I find. These bloomers!!! I immediately look at my husband and ask if he put them in there. He quickly shakes his head no. Well I didnt do it. Then we both give each other the look of hope/disbelief..you don't think..? noooo. Of coarse not. But how?" So we are already planning to make a trip back o Target to right the wrong and I just know that neither one of these girls would do that..but how? Well after church as I am walking through the parking lot, I get motion over to Bethany's van. She has a baby boy Sara Faith's age and also a little girl who is about 3 now. She say, "Did you get those bloomers I put in your diaper bag?" Ha! Geez I had all but convicted them for a petty crime. We all just laughed and laughed. Not Savannah. She was just mad that we even thought it. Apparently Anna Claire had them when she was little and they had thought to give them to Sara Faith. How sweet. They are adorable and I am so glad I get to keep them :) Oh and here is Savannah Monday after I cut her hair. " No! No! Don't do it. I will hate it!" 30MINUTES LATER... "Oh, I just love this!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Multimedia message

I was clearing out old pictures from my cell phone and this was one. Savannah this summer at VBS at First Baptist Church downtown. She had a blast and I had a couple hours for myself and a newborn this summer. She spent one week in Disney World with her Grandmother Aunt and cousin but other than that she was scheduled for a new VBS every week. She probably went to almost every VBS in Montgomery! Ha!

Friday, November 14, 2008


The things in my life that are tradition were just randomly started and somehow became tradition. A-Day game at Alabama. We cant miss it. It would break tradition. How we spend Sunday after church, holiday plans...etc. I have to decide what things are tradition vs which things are just quirky comforts that I can't let go of. Like what hotel we stay at ( Thanksgiving trip to the beach we have always stayed at the Holiday Inn Destin with ocean view 9th floor. Our trip is ruined if it is not available), drinking fountain diet coke everytime we go to any restaraunt, or taking this particular picture at this particular spot every year on this date. It may not technically be a tradition but I am going to do it! Like this picture we have taken every year at this spot the 4th of July. But this year was the baby's first year obviously so she is automatically included in the 'tradition'. Thanksgiving is in 2weeks and we have a "tradition" of going to Ft Walton the weekend after and meeting my mother and father-in-law for Beach Santa with the girls. It is the worst setup ever. The background decorations that is. All you can mostly see anyways is the throne for Santa. In one picture there is a rather large woman's backside in the background. Ha! But we do it every year, no matter what. It starts with a trip to Dilliard's to pick out an outfit and shoes for Savannah and then to do pictures, fuss over them and then to get lunch. Last year the iron bowl (BIG DEAL around here!) was that same Saturday and Sam and my husband went back to the condo to watch it while we got lunch. It fell on the same day this year to so I said it looks like you guys will be leaving us again. My husband calls to tell me he has been offered a ticket to this years Iron Bowl in Tuscaloosa! yay! Oh wait....the tradition! Ruined. Im sad... but what can I say? My point of view. Traveling the long drive by myself with 2kids, one of which is 6 months/ Who will Sam watch the game with?/ He will miss Sara Faith's first time meeting Santa/ IT'S TRADITION!!!!

His point of view. AL is undefeated for the first time in ? years (he could tell you)/ It is at home in Tusc./ Auburn sucks this year and AL has not beat them in 6years. / sitting at the mall miserable knowing he could have been at the game. /There will be next year. /This was HER tradition


I will not fuss about it. He should go. I know that. But it is tradition and now he has missed a year. Does this set the precidence to miss again. Or to miss something else. Should it be as important to him? it will still be a lot of fun and maybe it was always about Savannah (and now Sara Faith) myself and Dea. Honestly Sam was probably miserable hanging around the mall and he would roll his eyes at me if he knew I was even thinking about not wanting Michael to go to that game.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Oh, Geez!

My husband and I have really been watching our language lately. I used to have a better handle on this and can't quite point out when it slipped away from me. My new phrase "Oh, Geez!" is the brainchild of my 6year old. Sometimes she says sheez though. so I started saying it. hehe. Well apparently I say it a lot. I wonder too if it started as someone trying to quit saying the lord's name in vain and maybe they had started to say oh, Jesus! but caught themselves at Oh, geez! I am starting to annoy myself! You should have heard me during the Alabama/LSU overtime!!!! I had to grab a pillow and just bury my face. hahaha. Any ideas on a new word?

Speaking of Jesus, this was a fabulous weekend for my church. We finally had our first service in the new building.

We had been meeting at Faulkner University rotunda for the past two years after our old building was sold and waiting for the new construction to be finished. There is much to be said for cushioned seats in worship and not having to make everthing portable and not meeting at other buildings for functions, etc.... I cannot wait for Wednesday!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Food for thought (as in milk and raw eggs.)

Just a quick note Crazy neighbor Mrs. 'G' was caught yesterday morning lowering a bucket over my fence down to Maya. I banged on the window and said "That's not necessary!" She says "Oh That's not necessary?" she went back inside and i got my stepstool (It is a tall privacy fence, not that it helps) and saw the bucket was still there...full of mik and raw egg yoke!!!! I have decided she is officially certifiable. Any suggestions on how to handle this one? I have been told to file a police report and I think maybe I should but keeping in mind that this is someone I live right next door to and am not wanting to cause an akward scene. Ha. That actually sounds funny, I guess she already did that. hmmm

Also I am thinking about driving the Expedition around all day today to help warm up South Dakota residents from the blizzards. hmmmm

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I don't know why but I really found this interesting so I google presidential pets..there were some weird ones!

Monday, November 3, 2008

I hate (love) Wal-mart!

The lines make me nautious thinking about them and going from the milk all the way over to pick out a book is quite a hike. Parking a mile away (usually with a baby) is enough to send me to Publix. Oh but the prices and the one-stop shop...I try to avoid it at all costs but when you have to get groceries and socks and a car cleaning kit that's the best idea. Yesterday my husband wasn't feeling well so he didnt want to be gone too long but wanted to go pick out his own socks and since he wanted to see the new church building (move-in date is next Sunday!!!!!) and it is on the way to wal-mart -- there we went. Standing in the 30 minute line we brushed up on our celebrity news (poor Jennifer Hudson) and housekeeping and tabloids of coarse! Well the Globe had a headline that actually caught me off guard and I laughed out loud! I dont remember the exact wording but it basically said Ted Kennedy offered $25million for a cure. Hmmm. What boneheads. Do people believe this mag or do they know it is full of the same substance as Sara Faith's diaper? I hope it is the latter. Of coarse I believe in the power of prayer and I am no Dr. but if all it took were some rich person to offer a measley (in the scheme of financing research) $25mil then I it would have happened long ago. Money cannot buy everthing but how they want to fuel that it does. The author Im sure is voting for Barack. He has the most aggressive and fastest growing brain cancer with a a prognosis of 2 years max and a survivor rate of 0! The idea of him buying his health is insultingto him and anyone who has the GBM tumor ( or any malignant disease for that matter) or anyone who has lost someone they loved from it. Like my fam did. My step-dad died 9/29/05 from the same tumor but that is not why I was so taken aback by this comment though. It may be why it jumped off the page at me whenever i see a pic of the senator now though. This is my Mom with him probably 10 years ago. I am praying for the senator and his family and can only imagine what they were thinking writing something so rediculous and insensitive - oh wait, it's Hollywood. No one is safe there.