Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Benefit of the Doubt

Saturday night Savannah's bestest little friend, Lakyn spent the night and went to church with us Sunday. Now we just adore this child! She is sweet and very mature (she loves to clean!) and a is always a pleasure to have around. We have been good friends with her parents for a few years now. Her father actually works with my husband. Well Sat night we made a quick stop at Target to get a highchair. We thought we could maybe avoid getting one and just forever use the Bumbo but Sara Faith is not containable in that anymore. It served us well for months but it was time to move foward. We are in the baby section and the girls start getting excited about some Christmas outfits they have found. It was some little baby onsies and shirts and bloomers that said "Baby's First Christas" and "Santa's little Helper" etc. I say "No, we are getting a high chair and milk and leaving. That is all!" Well the next morning during worship I reach into the diaper bag to get a bib and look what I find. These bloomers!!! I immediately look at my husband and ask if he put them in there. He quickly shakes his head no. Well I didnt do it. Then we both give each other the look of hope/disbelief..you don't think..? noooo. Of coarse not. But how?" So we are already planning to make a trip back o Target to right the wrong and I just know that neither one of these girls would do that..but how? Well after church as I am walking through the parking lot, I get motion over to Bethany's van. She has a baby boy Sara Faith's age and also a little girl who is about 3 now. She say, "Did you get those bloomers I put in your diaper bag?" Ha! Geez I had all but convicted them for a petty crime. We all just laughed and laughed. Not Savannah. She was just mad that we even thought it. Apparently Anna Claire had them when she was little and they had thought to give them to Sara Faith. How sweet. They are adorable and I am so glad I get to keep them :) Oh and here is Savannah Monday after I cut her hair. " No! No! Don't do it. I will hate it!" 30MINUTES LATER... "Oh, I just love this!

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