Sunday, December 7, 2008

After Three Days Fish and Company Start to Smell!

I'm still here just been soo busy! We had company staying with us from last Monday until this morning. Wow! Joel is Michael's very best friend since pre-school ( I'll post about that later) and his wife Therese (pronounced Ter-ez from New Orleans) were staying with us before moving to CA. Joel just returned from Iraq. He is in the marines and has been back for about 2 months. They were stationed in NC. Actually Therese came and stayed with us for a weekend in September also. Well he was just stationed in California and has to be there by the end of December. They decided to visit family and friends for 1week each along the way, sort of :) First stop was Albany, GA to visit Joel's Dad. Then to Dothan, AL to visit Therese's dad Then here to Montgomery (Joel's brother lives here too and her college friends). Now they should be settling in Memphis at Therese's Mom's Whom Joel has never met. And the last stop will be to Waco, TX to visit Joel's Mom. Well I suppose that would be the next-to-last and the last would be there new home. Which btw the military apparently has a strange habbit of transferring people to bases where there is a long waiting list and the poor folks moving don't have a place to move to until they get there. They were literally freaking out because there were no available apartments in town or even within an hours distance. I believe they contacted a realtor by now though. They desperately need something fast especially since they just found out they are pregnant!

It was great having them here. They were lovely houseguests and Michael enjoyed seeing his friend. Maybe it was the PS3 he brought ;) But it was nice to be back to normal today.

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