Monday, November 10, 2008

Oh, Geez!

My husband and I have really been watching our language lately. I used to have a better handle on this and can't quite point out when it slipped away from me. My new phrase "Oh, Geez!" is the brainchild of my 6year old. Sometimes she says sheez though. so I started saying it. hehe. Well apparently I say it a lot. I wonder too if it started as someone trying to quit saying the lord's name in vain and maybe they had started to say oh, Jesus! but caught themselves at Oh, geez! I am starting to annoy myself! You should have heard me during the Alabama/LSU overtime!!!! I had to grab a pillow and just bury my face. hahaha. Any ideas on a new word?

Speaking of Jesus, this was a fabulous weekend for my church. We finally had our first service in the new building.

We had been meeting at Faulkner University rotunda for the past two years after our old building was sold and waiting for the new construction to be finished. There is much to be said for cushioned seats in worship and not having to make everthing portable and not meeting at other buildings for functions, etc.... I cannot wait for Wednesday!


preacherman said...

I think one of the hardest thing to control is our tongue. My youngest son goes to early headstart and yesterday said the F word. He is two years old and I told him to go to bed that it was bed time and he actually said, F U dad. I couldn't believe it. I didn't spank him or put him in time out but sat him down and told him we don't say those kinds of words.

I know for myself it is so hard to control what I say even as a minister. I think the devil and the society in which we live influence the way we talk. You turn on the television and radio and you hear oh my God all the time. I was a youth minister for over 9 years and have seen words change over the years. I remeber that in our family growing up we couldn't even say butt and now it is like nothing. I remember we couldn't say fart or crap and no that it isn't like anything. Using the Lord's name in vain even among believers.

Any whooo, I great post.
I hope you have a great day!

Leah said...

holy Smoke is a fave in our house .. as well as holy guacamole, but I even feel bad about that. After all, I'm saying "holy".
I used to say the s-word a lot, but now I usually say "schishkabob". Is that how you spell it?