Tuesday, August 3, 2010

pool time steals my functionality.

We went swimming yesterday and today -proof:
see, I haven't been a total no-fun-mom this summer.

It's usually way too busy around here for that but...sigh... Savannah's school starts back Monday so we are trying to make the most of it.

Sara Faith was so funny! She wanted to get dunked over and over. here you see. sorry about centering and the stupid water drop right in her face the whole time that I knew nothing about. geez! but you can't redo this masterpiece!

Oh and listen to this:

We didn't get home until after 7 last night. I was tired and the battery in the Expedition was D-E-A-D so my husband jumped it off but not until about 9:30. He says to leave it running for 10 minutes and off to bed he goes. No prob, I can watch a little TV, maybe clean the kitchen...(I didn't) while I wait. I was so exhausted and at 3:30am when SF wakes up crying (screaming!) for Apple juice and Mommy's bed. She got the juice but we are really sticking to it about her not sleeping with us. She has her own twin bed and we put a rail on the other side of Savannah's dbl bed so she can choose. But she always points to MY bed and says "Saaa Sais bed" nope..not giving in!

ANYWAYZ, she is screaming so I take her outside where she can't wake up the whole family and I find...... the truck still running. yep, I forgot. My husband has only said a few words to me all day. Is it OK if I blame it on being tired when what I'm tired from is a long no-stress day at the pool?

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