Friday, August 6, 2010

No-Go BlogHer Blog Hop


I know about the BlogHer convention going on from the news actually and have seen it on a couple blogs. I think it is a great idea but I'm like most people. Not going. So this is a cool idea to see other bloggers. The No-Go BlogHer Blog Hop. Want to join? Just click that badge up top and answer the following questions:I'm ready to start reading them now!

When did you start blogging?
Oct 8, 2008 was my first post

Why did you start blogging?
When I would update my status on Facebook everyone would say "you're so funny, you should write a blog. But then I felt pressure and wouldn't post any status' for a bit. Mostly it was posts about funny things Savannah said. Then My mom was like I hope you are documenting these things somewhere other than facebook because one day you will want to remember it." Thus, I created my little blog.

What is one thing you are going to do this week that is WAY cooler than going to BlogHer? The obvious answer is taking sweet Savannah for her first week of third grade! The not so obvious? Starting back at the gym Monday morning for the first time since the summer. I have an age milestone in Sept and I'm not saying which one. But it is goood motivation!

Share a post that you think says a lot about you or is your favorite. (share the link in YOUR post so we all can see) This will be hard!
I don't know that I have a post I feel describes me but I have 2 I want to share. Is that against the rules????
This one shows a major event in our household that happened during my blogging hiatas. It explains what my fam is dealing with right now.

This is a little more light-hearted and shows the craziness that resides in our household. crack me up!

Thank you so much if you came from there to read here! I welcome any comments!


HauteSingleMama said...

Wow! You went through so much with your little one!! I'm a NICU mom too, to a 26 weeker and a 29 weeker. You're so right - to explain the NICU experience would take an entire book.

I'm so glad I found your blog!!!

Danielle said...

You have cutie pie Girls! Great blog! Stop by mine if you have a chance and we can entertain one another with Mommy stories! Seems that those stories are endless! Found you over at the NoGoBlogHer Blog Hop.

nicolesspirit878 said...

I can't believe you got missed on the comments because your story is really a great one! I did the NICU thing too with my first born and the touch and go is really horrible! Hope you had a great NoGoBlogHer week! Stop by and say hello!

Stefany said...

You won! Come by my blog and see what your prize is!