Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The glorifying job of washing other people's under-roos

This is what awaits me today. This s what happens when you have a really bad 2 weeks and think you are "entitled" to off time. I'm not cleaning, cooking or doing laundry because I am a whiny baby. OOOPSIE.
What you can't see is the towels on the floor and stay tuned for the hallway photo-op.

There must be something else more important that needs to be done. Anything but this. I should not have to do this. I detest laundry. I love it when it's clean and put away but the worst part is folding and puting it up! I have a new rule. It doesn't leave the laundry room unless it is folded or on a hanger already. Otherwise it will stay in a basket until you are picking through it to find underwear. yep! Not always- calm down- just sometimes.

I have always done my own laundry. Obviously my mom did it when I was real small but I guess about JR High I started doing my own. Probably because my clothes were the worst. I changed clothes a million times a day (Savannah is giving me major payback already!) We had to sort it, wash it, fold it and put it away. I thought I'd die. I mean was I being punished? My friends didn't have to do their laundry--- I assumed. I had a white Dance Team uniform then and I remember my mom saying they should have given me any other color! I spilled everything on it. I remember onetime the cheerleading sponsor actually taking my uniform home to wash it before a pep-rally because I spilled red punch on it at lunch. Why was I even allowed to drink red punch? There should have been a sign.
Well now I do it for 5 people. Well to be honest I use to not do my husband's. He was too picky. I throw it all together and wash it. I can sort whites and reds and colors but he wanted piles within piles. You know, Don't wash socks with underwear---say wha???--- blues seperate too. Blues? comeon' dude. You're doing your own. Well now he is commuting and working late hours on top of that so I help him. It's the least I can do when he leaves at 4am and gets back around 8pm. But I wash what I wash and he lets up a little. A very wise lady at my church, who I respect a whole lot, told me I should do his laundry and not complain. It's just my job. Do it. I have tried to do better lately and she is on my shoulder like the little good angel.
This Is where I usually sort it. The hallway is usually clean and it is just easy to go to each room grab the laundry and dump it here to sort. You know.. piles. What are your piles? I have many.
  • whites
  • reds
  • towels
  • mommy
  • daddy -- and his mini piles
  • Savannah-- her uniforms now have their own pile
  • babies-- divided by clothes and linens/towels
  • rugs
  • linens


The other day I found out my mom has a dresser for her yorkies. Not kidding. They each have their own drawer. My cousin Beth also has a yorkie and kinda spoils my moms dogs with clothes.
Just for fun, here is Beth's dog Brinkley "Bwinkeeeey" -SF

All I can say is I have enough laundry so I'm glad I have a.. beagle/bird dog or whatever he is.

Helpful hints:

  1. Fold while you watch TV. It's like a treat for having to endure it. But I guess that's out now thanks to the new rule. But lets be honest. I would pull a Savannah and watch TV and never even touch the laundry.
  2. Do it everyday. Um NO.
  3. Implore family members to help. Savannah does get hers together for me and Pirt actually does his on Sunday night but all this can't just be mine and the babies??? They better enjoy it now. Just wait till they are older. That's what I say about every chore. I will not be alone cleaning this house!
  4. Make really fun plans or lunch out as a reward. I would probably still go anyway.
  5. Throw it all away and buy new stuff!!!! too broke :(
  6. Just suck it up and do the dang laundry.

Ugh here I go. Text me. call me. I will be so bored :(

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